fav !debian term apps: tmux, htop, bmon, iotop, ncdu, nvi, ranger, rsync, irssi, mutt, newsbeuter, rtorrent, elinks, identicurse, ncmpcpp
@zykotick9 thanks, I didn't know about ranger - it looks great!
Why nvi? Is vim too heavy or something?
@usrshare yup. when vim-common was high on my dpig list (oh shoot, forgot debian-goodies), found a lighter option
looks like ranger would now be one of my fave file mgrs, too. I especially liked the finder-like columns view.
@zykotick9 I don't think I could switch. VIM plugins are far too useful to give up (and hard drive space is cheap)
@losinggeneration .. programmer at all ;)
@losinggeneration i'm not a programmer, i use vi to edit configs and for text files. i don't require advanced features ;)
@losinggeneration sorry about the duplication - thought my 1st message failed, just took a little while ;)