Parents complain as children exposed to gruesome religious !education materials (Australian) !secular schools please!
@kuro I agree keep religion and Public education separate. Public Schools should not be involved in any issues religious or political.
@lstench Fine! No such things like "faith schools" should be allowed. But e.g. catholics tend to indoctrinate children as early as possible.
A "faith school" is not a public school, you send you kid there to learn about faith. A public school is open to all therefore religion
should play no role. I am assuming Catholics want their children to be Catholic and they have that right. Just as non-Catholics have the
right not to educate their children in the Catholic faith.
@lstench Human rights are for children as well. No child must be forced to follow parents in everything! !hrw !secular
@lstench Why is it that way in Europe? Historical lobbyism. I would like to change that.
I always assumed Europe was more liberal when in came to religion never thought the schools would be religious in any form
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