Owning A Copy Does Not Confer !Copyright #McCord !CreativeCommons #copyfraud !Canada #WilliamLyonMackenzieKing !CDNpoli
A side question: Suppose I make a CC-BY work and it incorporates PD stuff. How much should I worry about attribution for the PD pieces?
Specifically, I make worksheets for use in school, and PD images (w/o attribution) are the quickest to add. (Legality not in question here.)
@dper Pointing to which has a section on attribution and public domain from a US-centric view.
@dper That is the point of the public doman; the work can be remixed for any reason at all, an attribution is never required ...
@dper (though misattribution is fraud) My feeling is all public domain work ought to be attributed with as much info as possible
@laurelrusswurm Yes. Unfortunately, sometimes that is irritating for downstream remixers, because they cannot see what came from where. :-/
@laurelrusswurm there is no way public domain _could_ be attributes because it no longer belongs to anyone
@marjoleink most !CC licenses require attribution, while !PublicDomain does not. I think its better to attribute any art, PD or not.
@laurelrusswurm public domain means no on owns it any more, no one owns any rights, so attribution is logically impossible
bogus thinking, attribution can as easily credit maker as owner. knowledge of who made thing does not automatically go away on PD status.
legally, if you add anything to PD, you can slap © on it. Otherwise you won’t have anything you can slap © on, because it’s just PD.
@marjoleink How is it illogical? It is absolutely possible for me to attribute the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci.
@marjoleink The !PublicDomain existed before the !copyright monopoly. It's why Shakespeare could remix cultural heritage into original work.
@zotz In my experience, that sleight of hand is often an effect of !copyright where the sponsor extorts attribution right as part of deal
@marjoleink You have allowed the legal system to capture and own your ethics. Attribution has *nothing* to do with copyright whatsoever.
@marjoleink For example, when Michael Jackson bought copyright to all Beatles songs, it would not have been correct to attribute them to him
@marjoleink The two concepts are entirely distinct and I find it a sad commentary on modern society that you think attribution can be bought
what on earth makes you think that I think 'attribution can be bought'??? I have neither said nor implied anything of the sort.
I also did not make 'a commentary on modern society'. I DID make a comment on terminology. There's a difference between the two.
'copyright' is nothing but the right of the *creator* to determine what can be done with copies of their work.
...or to place their work in the public domain. It should not even be possible to sell that right.
@marjoleink Well you do not debate like an honest person: you just ignore whatever points others make that are inconvenient for you.
@laroquod Bingo.
@laroquod while you seem to ignore what I said and refer only to what I did not say :p
@laroquod I guess you seem as dishonest to me as I seem to you!
@laroquod not to mention, all of your comments on things I did not say seem to be totally beside the point.
@marjoleink You are just plain lying about what you said before. You refuse to follow basic logical consequences of your position.
@laroquod You're apparently not debating with me but with an entirely imaginary person.
@marjoleink If attribution comes from copyright, well copyright can be bought. But you obtusely refuse to put two + two together.
@marjoleink Same goes for monopoly. Only you have the right to distribute your files in the whole world but that is not monopoly?
@marjoleink Connect. The. Dots.
@laroquod congratulations! You're the very first person to even imply that I an 'obtuse'.
@laroquod NOT true. I have the right to *determine* who gets to distribute my files (or distribute them at all).
Also, when I die, ALL my work will pass into the public domain, because I say so. No 50-year, 70-year or 100-year period in force.
@marjoleink How is 'determine' less of a monopoly than 'distribute'? Not logical. Try again.
@laroquod admittedly, I *will* need a lawyer to draft that part of my testament because it's not automatic even here...
@marjoleink In my opinion yes you are being intentionally obtuse in order to protect what you perceive as your interests.
@laroquod though the period is not as ridiculously long here as it is in the USA and as the USA is trying to impose on others.
@laroquod I determine that others CAN distribute
@laroquod and since it applies only to *my* work it is not remotely a 'monopoly'
@laroquod you have a right to your short-sighted opinions
@laroquod but I have never been obtuse, let alone 'intentionally' so, nor will I ever be if I can avoid Alzheimer's
@marjoleink There is no 'but it's my work' exception to monopoly. If you're the only one with the right to OK sales, it's a monopoly. Simple
@laroquod there is author's right (in THIS country at least) which gives me the right to determine anyone can copy a work of ine
@laroquod it's not as though I dominate ANY market
@laroquod 'monopoly' may apply to the music industry etc. who do *dominate* a market but not to individual artists who dominate nothing
@marjoleink I withdraw intentionally obtuse charge. Your claim that attribution makes no sense for Public Domain was just offensively wrong.
@laroquod again, you react to things I did not actually say
@marjoleink You dominate the market for your own previously created work — the law grants you that personal monopoly over redistribution.
@laroquod provided there is a market at all - which, so far, I doubt :p. But OUR law does not grant a 'monopoly'.
@marjoleink Whether that monopoly is evil or good is a separate question. 18th C govts perceived it as a necessary *evil*.
@laroquod WHICH '18th-century' governments - and how is that relevant to today
@marjoleink "Early copyright privileges were called 'monopolies'." Check frequency of that word here:
@laroquod that article is limited. For one thing, it does not mention Dutch Author's law.
@marjoleink The Berne Convention says it doesn't matter. Anyway I can see you are seeking opportunities to make more irrelevant distinctions
@laroquod WHERE, exactly, does the Berne convention say 'it does not matter'? Anyway what you think you can see is wrong.
it is a monopoly but just in a very narrow field. say I get the monopoly to sell red thread between 3 & 4 pm on every third friday?
hope no one has a large economic interest in your work being pd. </tinfoilhat>
@zotz so do I!
depending on how law is written, it may or may not, but it does not necessarily have to. right?
@zotz in a very narrow field the concept of 'market' becomes essentially meaningless.
it is certainly not meaningless. and in the case of copyright on X's work, there may be no market or a large market, and X controls it.
I do NOT claim (nor ever will) a 'monopoly' in the market for photographs of windows in Karakul, even though I do claim my photos are unique
@rysiek Yep. Bored now.
@laroquod I give you credit. You held out longer than I would've.
and that addresses the point how exactly?
the instance when a work protected by copyright or patent passes out out of that protection does not alter the fact of who made the work.
@zotz true. Provided the author is actually known, which in the case of PD is not necessarily the case.
@zotz in spite of that I claim the right to put my works in the PD *before* the 'protection' ends. Thanks for the reminder.
@marjoleink Nobody's impressed that you plan to relinquish copyright when you are dead and gone so spare us the tale of self-sacrifice.
@laroquod no sacrifice involved except lawyer's fees. I do no want my heirs to profit from what I made.
@laroquod I'd prefer them to be guardians instead
@laroquod anyway, I don't care who's 'impressed' or not. and I'm certainly not impressed by your reading skills
@marjoleink many jurisdictions deny copyright holders the right to shorten their monopoly or otherwise fully give it up
@marjoleink FYI, by putting the works in the public domain, you're enabling them (and anyone else) to profit from it
@marjoleink and you've just retracted your earlier attempt to disconnect the copyright monopoly from earnings/compensation/profit
@lxoliva indeed. That's why I'll need a lawyer to prevent my heirs from profiting from my work when I die.
@lsoliva exactly. Provided I am allowed by Dutch law to do that in the first place!
@lxoliva as far as I'm concerned, my 'author'ship ends when I die
@marjoleink “exactly”? you say “I don't want them to profit from sth”, then claim you'll do sth that enables them to profit from it!
@lxoliva Half of her arguments are in contradiction with the other half, but try telling her that and she'll deny that there are two halves.
@lxoliva ??? I WANT to have my works in the PD when I die PROVIDED our law allows that. How is that not clear?