@mlinksva The !CreativeCommons strategy allowing creator choice across a spectrum offers a viable alternative to © "All Rights Reserved"
@laurelrusswurm this strategy reinforces the false notion that authors should be entitled to subjugate others and deny freedoms
@lxoliva It seems this discussion depends heavily on varying definitions of "freedom". It would be nice to use more articulate wording...
@lxoliva For example, one could say, "The author ought to have the freedom to release work under CC-whatever, right? That's freedom, too."
@dper we went through that numerous times. decisions that curtail what others can do are not freedom, they're power
@dper it's not worth debating the power/freedom thing. People have been doing that since at least Aristotle and we haven't gotten anywhere.
@dper the sentence you quoted is analog to the oft-defended “freedom to own slaves”. it's not freedom, but power
@dper since utility calculus can stage with new developments, utility arguments are much more worthwhile since possible to convince people.
@douglasawh @lxoliva I was suggesting that using the word "freedom" carelessly was ... careless. Apparently that wasn't obvious...?
@dper sorry, what you were suggesting is *still* not, erhm, obvious :-) to me
@lxoliva Oh, sorry! What you see as the obvious difference between freedom and power is not as clear to many people. So ...
@lxoliva ... talking about "freedom" is often less convincing than you think it is. Multiple meanings or definitions lead to emptiness. :-/