> Most americans, particularly liberals but also non-liberals, will have a complete meltdown over a difference of opinion, even minor ones. Not only can you not be civil after that, they will actively be aggressive and seek it out, its horrible. @freemo I agree fully. When I was in college and university, while we were doing our studyi…
@adcock What I meant was that we had students from those countries that were not like Americans. We could have political discussions and disagree vociferously, then pool our money and buy a pizza for lunch.
Maybe in California, but I've never experienced anyone having meltdown because they disagreed with me. Then again, i don't go around telling people they should get rid of their cars and go vegan. If they can't see that it's obviously a better choice since I'm fitter than them ()
Ugh, typo...basically, aside from a handful of elite cyclists, I'm going to be fitter than most people was my parathentical. You probably get the point.
Oh, I've seen it all over the country, and not just from California residents.