Thousands of years from now, no one will know that you or I existed. Even so, our existence and our actions create lasting effects that spread throughout society like waves on a pond.
We know people from 1000s of years ago existed and they didn't have the records we have now. Why do you think no one will know about us?
@clacke @musicman All it would take to lose almost everything digital is a prolonged global power outage.
... and that's even without format obsolescence ... there are files from just a few years ago that have no working reader software. We suppose that future societies will happen to have tape and optical drive readers, but that is unlikely.
I think my thesis paper at the School of Information and Library Science is pretty well archived.
I've been in a number newspapers. I feel like Newspapers get archived pretty well.
I really doubt there won't be a record of my existence. That doesn't mean anyone will care. It also doesn't mean anyone will be able to put the newspapers from multiple states together into a single picture.