How can I test in elisp if !emacs is running in a terminal rather than under X windows? My google-fu is evidently weak right now.
Not sure what you mean - is M-x ielm what you want, maybe?
@vanden my .emacs has: (if (not window-system)
@vanden @m2951413 `C-h f window-system` suggests to use `display-graphic-p' or any of the other `display-*-p' !emacs
@arnebab good to know. parts of my .emacs are still from the first time i ever used !emacs
@m2951413 same for me… :) →
@arnebab yaah. Alas, I still haven't found my fathers parentheses, i.e. I still suck at (e)lisp.
@m2951413 you will find your way to the force (of lisp) ☺ — I am no great lisp hacker, either, just minor stuff for my !emacs
@m2951413 Thanks, that sorts me. (Also seems obvious, now you say it out loud.) Thanks too to @arnebab and @archena.
@vanden oh I see what you meant now. Sorry, my answer wasn't helpful at all ;)
You are a step ahead of me. I never even considered there might be a way TO tell. *dives into .emacs to see what needs fixing*
@drysdam :-) Only thing I had that conflicts is code from to maximize the frame. emacs complains of that in a terminal.