Yeah, I guess. It seems like a mistake to me. If I was a party member, I'd want the party's strongest possible candidate running, even if that person wasn't the incumbent.
I'm mystified that there don't seem to be any viable Republican challengers running for President. Risking the entire country's future on someone the party doesn't even like sounds foolish.
@lnxw48a1 This is the problem. With both parties.
@lnxw48a1 And what is the DNC doing??? Going Herd. Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "The perfect prism for understanding the battle over Democratic Party: One of the most diverse working-class political coalitions seen in decades makes Sanders the front-runner, and the Dem establishment successfully begs a GOP oligarch to spend billions to try to destroy him: http://status.hackerpos…
@lnxw48a1 Which all presupposes that the two wings of the Business Party are working in the interests of different sets if people, which they aren't. The ruling class can can get behind a President of either wing 99 times out of 100, which is why Sander's mild "radicalism" (which doesn't even include such basic measures as stopping imperialist wars) is such a threat.