nestort ura ????✅ on
This remote profile is registered on another site; see nestort's original profile page on
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Saturday, 21-Apr-2018 03:38:59 EDT nestort ura ????✅
I must say that I like !GNUsocial more than #Mastodon because of groups, and also because likes (or favs, or stars, or however you wish to call them) from other people I follow appear in my home timeline. Unfortunately I seem to experience more problems with federation in GNUsocial (maybe it's just my node) -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Tuesday, 29-Aug-2017 15:10:18 EDT nestort ura ????✅
Is there an option to backup a !gnusocial account (mainly: people I follow and groups I'm subscribed to) and to import it in a new quitter server? I can't find the option here in !quitterno (qvitter or classic), nor looking for it in, FAQ... Thanks! -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Friday, 09-Jun-2017 10:59:35 EDT nestort ura ????✅
Alguien sabe como citar un queet/dent en !gnusocial? He visto alguno siéndolo incluso en medio de un mensaje. Es posible hacerlo con Twidere o AndStatus? Gracias! -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Apr-2017 17:00:27 EDT nestort ura ????✅
One doubt about !gnusocial and #Mastodon federation, I don't know if I am correct: the only way a mention in the form of username @ domain can reach the mentioned user is if this message (dent or toot) reaches the domain because someone in the domain is following the user who published it, am I right? -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Monday, 17-Apr-2017 03:45:08 EDT nestort ura ????✅
@andstatus Yes, I do see older (previous) messages, but I can't see how to acces the messages between latest 20 downloaded and the ones I already had. To me, it would be nice if, between older messages and newest 20 there was a button which allowed to download more messages. Also I'd be great if this amount of 20 was configurable. Many thanks! -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Apr-2016 01:34:22 EDT nestort ura ????✅
@drymer Moltes gràcies! Estic anant molt de cul i no tinc (tenim) temps de muntar bé el tema de la difusió, almenys en part. Alguna idea d'algun programa que es porti bé amb xarxes privatives i també !gnusocial? Alguna estratègia? Jo actualment utilitzo Twidere per publicar simultàniament a Twitter i GNUsocial, faltaria poder-ho integrar millor amb Facebook... Tristament, fer… -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Friday, 25-Mar-2016 06:10:49 EDT nestort ura ????✅
Fairmarket opens its doors with a beta version | FairCoop (does Faircoop have a !GNUsocial account, by the way?) -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Thursday, 17-Mar-2016 15:36:01 EDT nestort ura ????✅
El que estic veient és que Twidere encara no permet veure converses, ni usuaris (converses que tampoc van al Twitter, per cert). I sí, al AndStatus enacara li queda per recórrer: autocompletar noms, grups i hashtags quan s'escriu, per mi seria fonamental. Twidere ho fa però crec que t'ho fa amb els de les dues xarxes, i això no té gaire sentit... I li falta encara molta inte… -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Saturday, 13-Feb-2016 11:21:29 EST nestort ura ????✅
Does anybody know how to give some simple format to !gnusocial dents? I've seen someone posting with a header and with bold text. Thanks! -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Friday, 29-Jan-2016 04:59:55 EST nestort ura ????✅
@mariotaku By the way, Twidere has a behaviour which I think is not desirable: when I am composing a dent for !gnusocial, autofill for mentions picks twitter accounts, which, coming from a totally different and unfederated network, I think it shouldn't happen. Or, maybe, it could be enough that contacts had some sort of indicator to which network they come from (or account they have … -
nestort ura ????✅ (nestort)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Jan-2016 12:30:39 EST nestort ura ????✅
It's great news that @mariotaku (developer of #Twidere) has decided to also jump into the !gnusocial wagon. It looks like Twidere will greatly improve its GNUsocial compatibility :)