Notices tagged with python, page 3
pip on Windows is surprisingly far. !python
!Python: 3.6.5 64-bit
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (1709)
Anybody know if leaked file descriptors an issue?
@jartigag yo el primer experimento lo hice con para !xmpp aunque ahí era todo integrado.
No me he preocupado mucho de mirar aún porque el "motor" lo hago a plazos y apenas avanzo, pero vi que hay librerías por ejemplo para conectar con !gnusocial e imagino que con Mastodon y lo que sea.
Lo bueno de #python es que hay librerías para todo. :)
Y otro sobre porqué !gnusocial con prioridad a otras redes... Pues principalmente porque es la red libre que más controlo y me siento más a gusto. Pensando en la facilidad de uso también he estado mirando un poco más a fondo #Mastodon, pero al final me pareció más fácil instalar un nodo de #gnusocial incluyendo #qvitter (salvo por lo del certificado, que aún me viene gran…
!TIL: In #Python a for loop can have an else element. It gets processed if the for loop has been processed completely and not been stopped (break, continue) in some way.
I see that #Django from 2.0 onward is !Python 3+ only. Glad to see some parts of the #Python ecosystem are finally moving forward.
Is there a #fedora group? I'm trying to get a legacy !python application to compile on 27. I think it's getting confused about pip modules vs. yum modules, but I'm not sure.
@musicman I believe !Python is still there.
It's actually a wrapper around awk -- it generates an awk program and runs that on the data.
Make SQL-ish queries on tab-seperated-values files on the command line.
When I get back to work I need to see what #attrs could do to our code.
PyPy2.7 v5.9.0 and PyPy3.5 v5.9.0, 2.7 now with numpy and pandas support!
PyPy3.5 is considered a beta and work is being funded with a Mozilla grant.
@clacke Adding to !python
!dlang community starting to discuss prevention measures in light of !python's PyPI modifications
#Hy, a #Lisp implementation that runs atop !Python
The Tale of Pythonia: !gentoo !python
- > Based on the rate of uptake for Python 3 libraries and the rate of decline for Python 2-only libraries, the Microsoft team predicted that 3 will overtake 2 by "around May of this year." That's in…
Correction: No, the new Path().resolve() doesn't act like normpath(). It still follows symlinks if they exist, it just tolerates non-existing paths. Bummer.
- Actually more like 2, as Cython isn't a Python implementation. So, they're talking about Tauthon and PyPy. I'm not so sure about Tauthon -- There hasn't been much activity since the original work, …
Adding to !python group.