Notices tagged with pumpio, page 6
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Thursday, 30-Jan-2014 11:47:52 EST Erkan Yılmaz cc !pumpio RT @zoowar Yes, #dumpio is how I acrimoniously refer to that which shall not be named. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Thursday, 30-Jan-2014 10:01:08 EST Erkan Yılmaz "I felt so #happy using today that I can't put it into words" "Sorry /, you just #don't fulfill my social network needs." "I think I gave a fair chance." -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Thursday, 30-Jan-2014 01:27:22 EST Erkan Yılmaz "But what I miss most is the #community of the original I'm not sure how much of that community has scattered since, but it sure looks like a #lot" -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2014 18:15:26 EST Erkan Yılmaz too bad that you only added 1 instance of the whole network (there are >200 #statusnet servers out there (1), a selection (2)). same goes for #identica which ran statusnet before and now !pumpio (identica doesn't allow registrations). (1) (2) -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Monday, 20-Jan-2014 17:21:01 EST Erkan Yılmaz one can find old discussions via tags: #pumpio and #dumpio -
Christopher M. Hobbs (cmhobbs)'s status on Thursday, 02-Jan-2014 19:45:25 EST Christopher M. Hobbs Giving #sdf chatter and #pumpio a rest for a while. It's tiresome maintaining multiple social presences. -
Christopher M. Hobbs (cmhobbs)'s status on Thursday, 02-Jan-2014 19:45:25 EST Christopher M. Hobbs Giving #sdf chatter and #pumpio a rest for a while. It's tiresome maintaining multiple social presences. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 12:32:55 EST Erkan Yılmaz RT @pixeldesu @Cidoku @WillOfSCIENCE_ is a shame. #StatusNet was a great enemy for twitter, and the successor is pure #shit. -
tregeagle (tregeagle)'s status on Monday, 30-Dec-2013 22:54:43 EST tregeagle Like a cuckoo clearing out the nest #PumpIO cleaned out The community was broken. So, in answer to your question I have no issues with Pump. I don't use it and I don't feel I can trust it. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Dec-2013 05:18:47 EST Erkan Yılmaz "I don't feel I can #trust", probably belongs to: -
tregeagle (tregeagle)'s status on Monday, 30-Dec-2013 22:54:43 EST tregeagle Like a cuckoo clearing out the nest #PumpIO cleaned out The community was broken. So, in answer to your question I have no issues with Pump. I don't use it and I don't feel I can trust it. -
whistlewright (whistlewright)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Dec-2013 15:00:30 EST whistlewright @zoowar @nybill I just couldn't get into #pumpio. Maybe it was released too early or something. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Dec-2013 15:02:03 EST Erkan Yılmaz RT @revoltenum C'est triste de voir qu' est devenu aussi pourrri et inutilisable avec :( -
whistlewright (whistlewright)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Dec-2013 15:00:30 EST whistlewright @zoowar @nybill I just couldn't get into #pumpio. Maybe it was released too early or something. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Saturday, 21-Dec-2013 18:37:27 EST Erkan Yılmaz "Marjolein is setting up her own #StatusNet instance here, taking all her data from with her. That data needs to be adjusted to its new environment, and then imported, and there's a lot of it, so that will take some #time. Meanwhile, she's not waiting to be 'converted' to" "Leave your #OStatus address, and I'll do my best to subscribe to you" -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Saturday, 21-Dec-2013 07:41:22 EST Erkan Yılmaz "... And then as killer we were informed about’s migration to the new platform which could be expected as a dramatic cut for the #SN network. All this really #pissed me off." -
mrb (mrb)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Nov-2013 10:56:02 EST mrb I find it hard to follow conversations, compared to what I am used to in statusnet -
larjona (larjona)'s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2013 16:19:40 EDT larjona New 2 blog posts about #socialnetworks #statusnet #identica #pumpio !vivalafederation -
Vinilox (vinilox)'s status on Friday, 20-Sep-2013 04:27:10 EDT Vinilox And this year #Identica #pumpio conversion : I opened my #StatusNet to host some people that doesn't want to leave StatusNet :) NO StatusNet is not dead \o/ !vivalafederation -
Joshua Judson Rosen the decentralized social network that's really fun interview with Evan, on