Notices tagged with lisp, page 2
arnebab (arnebab)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013 01:10:28 EDT arnebab
I love the syntax of !Python, but crave the simplicity and power of #Lisp: An indentation to brackets preprocessor → !emacs -
d3f (d3f)'s status on Thursday, 14-Mar-2013 14:22:25 EDT d3f
And I am like `WTF man, why don't you have a (get-unix-time) !lisp' -
vejeta (vejeta)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Mar-2013 05:48:59 EDT vejeta
♻ @davidam Actualizado en org !lisp un Lenguaje que se Aprende en 10 Minutos -
davidam (davidam)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 23:30:09 EDT davidam
Actualizado en org !lisp un Lenguaje que se Aprende en 10 Minutos -
d3f (d3f)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 12:58:12 EDT d3f
I think we can forget the oauth, as cl+ssl seems to be broken for cl-oauth and I don't have the knowledge to write me own oauth !lisp script -
d3f (d3f)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2013 11:04:01 EDT d3f
I think I will drop my !haskell book for a while and write a statusNet client in Common !lisp first :3 -
davidam (davidam)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Mar-2013 01:08:52 EST davidam
Viejas ideas divertidas de !lisp -
dto (dto)'s status on Saturday, 02-Mar-2013 05:54:28 EST dto
Official Release of 2x0ng version 0.3 for Windows and Linux: -
dto (dto)'s status on Friday, 01-Mar-2013 15:16:46 EST dto
I released a playable version of 2x0ng. here's the Tigforums thread: -
dto (dto)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Feb-2013 21:05:34 EST dto -
arnebab (arnebab)'s status on Wednesday, 06-Feb-2013 10:03:41 EST arnebab
Adding namespace support to !emacs #lisp in a macro with just 15 lines of code — #lisp IS the mother of all languages -
arnebab (arnebab)'s status on Tuesday, 29-Jan-2013 17:43:07 EST arnebab
I just wrote my first #macro in !emacs #lisp, and I did it in a #copyright discussion *happy* → -
ovruni (ovruni)'s status on Monday, 28-Jan-2013 22:41:46 EST ovruni
♻ @arnebab: an introduction to how to write #C, #Java or #JavaScript code in #Emacs #Lisp → -
bino28 (bino28)'s status on Monday, 28-Jan-2013 18:13:19 EST bino28
♻ @arnebab: an introduction to how to write #C, #Java or #JavaScript code in #Emacs #Lisp → -
arnebab (arnebab)'s status on Monday, 28-Jan-2013 17:57:03 EST arnebab
an introduction to how to write #C, #Java or #JavaScript code in !Emacs #Lisp → -
p4bl0 (p4bl0)'s status on Monday, 07-Jan-2013 08:58:45 EST p4bl0 - This !PLT Life — When someone is enamored with a language's petty feature that would be a one-line macro in !Lisp -
vejeta (vejeta)'s status on Tuesday, 25-Dec-2012 08:34:57 EST vejeta
♻ @davidam European !lisp Symposium 2013 - ELS'13 -
davidam (davidam)'s status on Sunday, 23-Dec-2012 17:14:16 EST davidam
European !lisp Symposium 2013 - ELS'13 -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Monday, 12-Nov-2012 00:13:53 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Reading #Norvig's `lisp in Python' impl—is there some mandate to misparse #lisp lists into #Python lists?