Notices tagged with ilovefs
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 14-Feb-2020 11:48:44 EST Free Software Foundation
It's "I Love Free Software Day"! Read more, and share this graphic with #ilovefs: -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2020 11:36:13 EST Free Software Foundation
In honor of "I Love Free Software Day," coming up Friday: we need to think seriously about developing a freedom-respecting alternative for online dating sites. Read more, and share this graphic with #ilovefs: -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Feb-2020 11:30:42 EST Free Software Foundation
In honor of "I Love Free Software Day," coming up Friday: we need to think seriously about developing a freedom-respecting alternative for online dating sites. Read more, and share this graphic with #ilovefs: -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Thursday, 14-Feb-2019 14:26:46 EST Free Software Foundation
Celebrate Valentine's Day by showing everyone how much you love free software, and helping the people you love learn why free software is important: share this graphic with hashtag #ilovefs! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 10:20:39 EST Free Software Foundation
It's #ilovefs day! Tell us what you love about #freesoftware -- and tell your friends why they should care about free software too! -
rugk (rugk)'s status on Monday, 21-Aug-2017 04:22:45 EDT rugk
Anyone wanting to maintain a GNUSocial or Mastodon account about #borg (#BorgBackup)? They are open about it: !ilovefs !gnusocial -
tuxxus (tuxxus)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Jul-2017 15:53:58 EDT tuxxus
I am *really* needing a self-hosted note software and app like Evernote. Any idea? (PS: I am already using owncloud, but not exactly what I mean, maybe a plugin?) !ilovefs !libreplanet !fellowship -
Biene (einebiene)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 16:56:31 EST Biene
Some years ago I was your regular commercial software user. Now I use linux, libre office, xmpp, gnusocial, firefox, ... thanks to all the people that made that possible!
#Ilovefs -
Biene (einebiene)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 16:56:31 EST Biene
Some years ago I was your regular commercial software user. Now I use linux, libre office, xmpp, gnusocial, firefox, ... thanks to all the people that made that possible!
#Ilovefs -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 14:30:11 EST Free Software Foundation
Ask someone you like—romantically or otherwise—to be your cryptovalentine #ILoveFS -
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 08:28:30 EST Free Software Foundation Europe
Love !FreeSoftware the whole year and show your love with our nice material:!ILoveFS … !ILoveFS -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 08:53:58 EST Free Software Foundation
Roses are red, violets are blue; I use free software to encrypt my online communication and you can too. #ILoveFS -
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 08:28:30 EST Free Software Foundation Europe
Love !FreeSoftware the whole year and show your love with our nice material:!ILoveFS … !ILoveFS -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017 02:34:53 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
Hooray for everyone in the !fediverse using !fs such as !GNUsocial or #Mastodon (today is #ilovefs day) -
spaceman (spaceman)'s status on Friday, 21-Oct-2016 01:01:32 EDT spaceman
!fediverse I take for granted most people on here are programmers ... if not how come you got interested in gnusocial? How did you learn about free software?
#gnu #fs #ilovefs -
spaceman (spaceman)'s status on Friday, 21-Oct-2016 01:01:32 EDT spaceman
!fediverse I take for granted most people on here are programmers ... if not how come you got interested in gnusocial? How did you learn about free software?
#gnu #fs #ilovefs -
தோட்டக்காரன்(gardener) (solariiknight)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jul-2016 03:30:14 EDT தோட்டக்காரன்(gardener)
Nope, I'm am not a linux fanatic. But I am a free software fascist! #ramblings #freesoftware -
தோட்டக்காரன்(gardener) (solariiknight)'s status on Saturday, 16-Jul-2016 03:30:14 EDT தோட்டக்காரன்(gardener)
Nope, I'm am not a linux fanatic. But I am a free software fascist! #ramblings #freesoftware -
Bastian Ilso (bastianilso)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-2016 16:35:30 EST Bastian Ilso
Julita helped students install linux for the first time at the @gnome fedora hack camp 2016 event.
!gnomedesktop !fedora #foss #floss !ilovefs -
Bastian Ilso (bastianilso)'s status on Monday, 29-Feb-2016 16:35:30 EST Bastian Ilso
Julita helped students install linux for the first time at the @gnome fedora hack camp 2016 event.
!gnomedesktop !fedora #foss #floss !ilovefs