Notices tagged with hacking
Fraktalize Love (fraktalize)'s status on Thursday, 11-Feb-2016 20:48:00 EST Fraktalize Love
tEChnOLOGICAL communion I am participating in the element14 Open Source Music Tech challenge! I'm making a suit that is designed to receive inputs from the wearers movements, to allow for music to be created with full body movement. This will later be joined with an array of generative music using electrodes on plants, to manifest a communication between humans and the plants using electr… -
Fraktalize Love (fraktalize)'s status on Thursday, 11-Feb-2016 20:48:00 EST Fraktalize Love
tEChnOLOGICAL communion I am participating in the element14 Open Source Music Tech challenge! I'm making a suit that is designed to receive inputs from the wearers movements, to allow for music to be created with full body movement. This will later be joined with an array of generative music using electrodes on plants, to manifest a communication between humans and the plants using electr… -
aroque (aroque)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jun-2015 02:43:13 EDT aroque
Good morning !fediverse! Have a nice #hacking day! !gnusocial !hackfest -
Temporary Marjolein (mk)'s status on Friday, 05-Jun-2015 16:48:20 EDT Temporary Marjolein
time to give my grey sells a rest... welterusten goede nacht good night buenas noches bonan vesperon (etc.) !tzaf !fediverse !fediverso - more #diggingin wordpress #tomorrow (a little) and writing (a lot) and maybe some #hacking, too! :) -
Distopico Vegan (distopico)'s status on Monday, 16-Mar-2015 15:07:49 EDT Distopico Vegan
Hackear el sistema sin informática: Code 46 > #elbinario #hacking !gnu !gnusocial -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2013 07:45:29 EST Erkan Yılmaz
The #12-year-old Canadian 5th grader "pleaded guilty to 3 charges related to #hacking websites that included those of Montreal #police, the Quebec Institute of Public Health, the Chilean government and some non-public sites." "police estimated as a cost of $60,000 in damages" cc @question -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2013 22:00:25 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
You know you've been #hacking *way* too long when the bizarro code from your #dream actually *works*: -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Monday, 02-Sep-2013 19:30:35 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
"Amish #hacking": -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 11-Aug-2013 23:29:54 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
A #hacking #jacket! Really! Think it'd go with a set of #engineer boots!? -
Joshua Judson Rosen
The Hacker Lifecycle
How we learn: Focussed efforts towards a life goal → Structured self-education → Side projects to practice new skills → Burnout and rest → ♻
Stefano Zacchiroli (zack)'s status on Tuesday, 25-Dec-2012 05:02:34 EST Stefano Zacchiroli
« #hacking fosters a deep, extensive and vibrant culture of civil liberties» @biella interviewed about new book !debian -
Stefano Zacchiroli (zack)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Nov-2012 04:12:58 EST Stefano Zacchiroli
I've added «Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of #Hacking» by @BiellaColeman to my #Amazon #wishlist -
kuro (kuro)'s status on Monday, 19-Nov-2012 11:11:32 EST kuro
New Book Teaches Kids #OpenSource Programming - great idea !education #hacking !rez -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Wednesday, 14-Nov-2012 09:57:38 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
@nordpirat, you may find this article on #hacking and #hackers helpful: -
Joshua Judson Rosen
Dabblers and Blowhards
Maciej Cegłowski's `definitive response to Paul Graham On Painting'....
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 23-May-2012 19:31:44 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Ok. #Hacking done and the wife’s car still starts. Only time will tell if the ‘fix’ works… -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 19-May-2012 20:54:49 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
On the value of creative exploratory #hacking: via @yaxu #sharpenthesaw -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Tuesday, 17-May-2011 11:18:29 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
For the well-dressed !hack'r, a #hacking jacket: