Notices tagged with gscamp
There used to be !GSCamp, but the group seems defunct. But there's always!gscamp and
@danicotillas Aún está en desarrollo y lo tienes que instalar en tu nodo de !gnusocial A raíz de lo que aprendimos en el !gscamp y experimentos varios en los últimos meses hemos ampliado el enfoque de #gnubnb para que sea la navaja suiza del intercambio de ofertas y demandas sobre !gnusocial En lo que tengamos una versión mínimamente funcional te aviso ;)
@raito Qué bueno! Cualquier cosa avisarnos que estamos en super beta pero con muchas ganas :) La organización y participación en el !gscamp y los días de #Somero2015 nos cargaron las pilas y mucha ilusión que se está transformando en líneas de código y nuevos proyectos :-) para utilizar !gs !gnusocial como una plataforma para desarrollar aplicaciones distribuidas, vamos, co…
Time to head back to the !gscamp area soon!
Heh, my eyes are falling shut right now. Apparently !gscamp people etc. were going out here somewhere: geo:43.54627,-5.66424?z=18
But as the bull Ferdinand in the Swedish cartoon shown on Christmas would say if it was a developer: I'd rather stay indoors and tend to the bugs. Good night very soon. :)
Morning full of code. Brain full of tired. Viva la #siesta! !gscamp
I miss @moshpirit here on !gscamp!
I'll just blindly accept this and hope for the best !gscamp #NoPro
In that documentation I will explain how to format something as a reply, mention someone etc. And eventually also make sure that all the code is working for pushing other things, like an Event or a Bookmark.
Now I will take a #siesta :D !gscamp
@voylinux I have pushed a branch which seems to be working with at least the simplest case of AtomPub I can think of: Save that file as 'notice.atom' and then: curl -s --data-binary @notice.atom -u username $atomsvc $atomsvc is in !GNUsocial's case the same URL as the user's Atom feed, which can be found out through the generic …
*moving away from !gscamp area for a while to get my mind into coding state*
Eating at a great falafel place me and @hannes2peer found: geo:43.540825,-5.6584725
hello !gscamp :-) hope you are having a great time discussing !gnusocial and federated social web!
I probably shouldn't do any coding in this environment, I get so easily distracted and then don't end up doing anything. I probably need half an hour or something in peace and quiet to boot up my coding parts of the brain. :))
But I bet I can sneak away sometime during !gscamp and put all my thoughts into code.
Looking at I see I have implemented the "Delete" verb incorrectly for !gnusocial :D Fortunately it's still just in the nightly branch. !gscamp
@hannes2peer shows the audience how to redirect people trying to read the "whole known network" to instead see a page asking them to "Relax!" :) !gscamp
Learning from @hannes2peer on how to develop !gnusocial plugins at !gscamp feeling a lot more relaxed!!
^- @hannes2peer even! !gscamp
"You don't have to be a good, professional programmer to develop a !GNUsocial plugin." !gscamp
^- cc: !gscamp of course :)
Hola !gscamp