@voylinux I have pushed a branch which seems to be working with at least the simplest case of AtomPub I can think of: Save that file as 'notice.atom' and then: curl -s --data-binary @notice.atom -u username $atomsvc $atomsvc is in !GNUsocial's case the same URL as the user's Atom feed, which can be found out through the generic …
In that documentation I will explain how to format something as a reply, mention someone etc. And eventually also make sure that all the code is working for pushing other things, like an Event or a Bookmark.
Now I will take a #siesta :D !gscamp
@voylinux Since javascript is essentially designed to be an XML parser/editor, it should be a piece of cake :]
I don't understand why people want JSON stuff when Javascript is explicitly designed for and has all kinds of magic tricks (#XPath etc.) for highly advanced interaction with XML data objects.
@jezra But the limitations! No namespaces, except with ugly hacks which remove that feeling of it being "pleasant".