Notices tagged with graphics
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Nov-2020 17:02:54 EST Joshua Judson Rosen I wonder: is it possible to make an #audio encoded computer program *sound good*? Jerobeam Fenderson has been able to do it with the audio-encoded #graphics of his #oscilloscope #music...:
!hack -
arunisaac (arunisaac)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Nov-2016 10:11:28 EDT arunisaac !til about !haskell diagrams ( -- a declarative domain-specific language for creating vector #graphics. Perhaps, I can use this instead of #asymptote. -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 29-Dec-2013 02:08:18 EST Joshua Judson Rosen "What do you mean, it's not real?"—when you sell downloads of #realistic #3D models on your website, and people just ignore all of the #graphics #jargon they don't understand... -
metztli (metztli)'s status on Monday, 15-Apr-2013 05:55:57 EDT metztli #Intel White paper: "Inside !Linux* #Graphics" !GNU #video -
guido (guido)'s status on Sunday, 24-Feb-2013 18:22:29 EST guido #Libre #graphics meeting Madrid 10-13 April, 2013 !gnu !free