Notices tagged with fsfe, page 8
Torsten Grote (grote)'s status on Friday, 01-Jun-2012 11:18:28 EDT Torsten Grote
#Apple stores everything you say to #Siri in a big database, so #IBM bans employees from using it !fsfe -
Torsten Grote (grote)'s status on Wednesday, 30-May-2012 06:36:02 EDT Torsten Grote
The #EFF about #Apple's Crystal Prison and the Future of Open Platforms #wortharead !fsfe -
Torsten Grote (grote)'s status on Wednesday, 30-May-2012 06:36:02 EDT Torsten Grote
The #EFF about #Apple's Crystal Prison and the Future of Open Platforms #wortharead !fsfe -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Thursday, 24-May-2012 06:24:06 EDT kirschner
Don't miss @grote 's talk at #linuxtag about #FreeYourAndroid Saturday, 26.05., London, 10:30-11:00 Uhr !gnu !fsfe !fs -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 24-May-2012 02:37:22 EDT fsfe
New !Fellowship interview with Giacomo Poderi is online! !gnu !freesoftware -
micu (micu)'s status on Saturday, 12-May-2012 06:40:02 EDT micu
!Linux lohnt sich, das sieht man sofort — direkt im Fenster von !Berlin ;) !FOSS !FLOSS !FS !GNU !FSFE #LinuxTag -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2012 04:42:43 EDT fsfe
RT @kirschner !fsfe PR: "State neglected web standards, company now faces EUR 5600 in fines" !fs !gnu -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2012 04:36:44 EDT kirschner
!fsfe PR: "State neglected web standards, company now faces EUR 5600 in fines" !fs !gnu -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2012 04:41:17 EDT kirschner
!fsfe PM: "Staat missachtet Web Standards, Firma droht nun 5.600 EUR Bußgeld" !gnu !fs -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2012 04:36:44 EDT kirschner
!fsfe PR: "State neglected web standards, company now faces EUR 5600 in fines" !fs !gnu -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Tuesday, 08-May-2012 06:14:18 EDT kirschner
#NRW: #Softwarepatente - Nein! #OffeneStandards - Ja! Wahlprüfsteine der !fsfe !gnu !fs -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 02-May-2012 08:34:31 EDT kirschner
!fsfe Wahlprüfsteine: Schleswig Holstein - Positive Signale für Freie Software !fs #ayc !gnu -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Friday, 27-Apr-2012 14:26:03 EDT kirschner
#PCWorld What do Mitt Romney, the Pope, Angela Merkel, and Glenda Jackson have in common? !gnu !fsfe !fs -
Georg C. F. Greve (greve)'s status on Friday, 27-Apr-2012 04:18:42 EDT Georg C. F. Greve
On the upside it's going to be good weather to be inside and working for !FSFE... Looking forward to seeing some old friends again. -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 26-Apr-2012 05:16:59 EDT fsfe
#Ansol and !fsfe invite all !freesoftware supporters to their party in #Lisboa -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 26-Apr-2012 05:16:59 EDT fsfe
#Ansol and !fsfe invite all !freesoftware supporters to their party in #Lisboa -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Thursday, 26-Apr-2012 05:13:46 EDT kirschner
Looking forward to meet !freesoftware supporters at !fsfe event in #Lisboa -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Apr-2012 04:33:10 EDT fsfe
Summit Meeting of experts calls upon #UK #Government to deliver on #Open #Standards: !fs !fsfe !gnu #fsfe -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Apr-2012 04:05:19 EDT kirschner
2303 individuals signed !fsfe 's #pdfreaers petition to remove non- !freesoftware advertisement !gnu !fs