Notices tagged with feds, page 7
@jk Yep. It’ll be in the next stable release. No more forgetting about that one.
@jk :D When I upgraded to the 1.1.0 alpha, I went through the same thing. Took me a couple days to remember about it. ;)
@jk Actually, it’s been that way since 1.0 as far as I know. Seems I (we) added it in quite some time ago and forgot that we did. ;)
!vivalafederation. Even if !feds broken. That’s it :)
@lnxwalt280 Yep, it’s the exact issue he’s had (and I suspect many of the !feds and those on when attempting to post to remote groups.)
@mmn Awesome find and fix. That’s been something that’s been annoying me since I set up my instance ~9 months ago. Thanks!
@jbfavre I get a “” error when I try and run it. I see in my /scripts dir but not /plugins/OStatus/scripts dir
@jbfavre Also, from my end, you don’t have a theme at all on https…
@jbfavre Interestingly, I was able to sub to you, without unsubbing prior. Now subbed to you twice… :/
@jbfavre I have no idea if it helps or not but I see your dents, no problem. I guess you are not seeing our dents though
@jbfavre Try running a ‘php plugins/OStatus/scripts/rm_bad_feedsubs.php -d’ (d flag to do a dry run, without flag to actually run) and see if any bad hub uri’s come up.
@lnxwalt I think SN is different because it uses InnoDB
@lnxwalt @parlementum Yeah, this is what I was thinking. Still, judging from the posted log, this doesn’t look like the server was rebooted.
@lnxwalt do you know something similar to myisamchk for .frm tables? c: @jpope
@jpope there are random db errors when posting… I can’t tell beyond that. Im concerned that it says crash and restart
@parlementum Is mysql having issues shutting down?
!feds & MySQL geeks this is in my MySQL error log. I suspect it’s related to the SN db but how can I diagnose?
ReverseFavs !feds #statunetplugin
@gegeweb according to the CONFIG file yes. That should enable more posts in public
@gegeweb scroll back in !feds a few days, someone just went through that.