Notices tagged with fdroid, page 3
That's what apps like Silence are for. Of course, there's always traffic analysis. !fdroid
#MXPlayer will play network streams #GPLv2 license, but not in !FDroid
!Nextcloud !fdroid !ownCloud
Now that the instance is back, the following !Fedgroups hosted here should be back too: !crypto !database !electoralreform !fdroid !food !fs !gnewsense !gnupg !googlefree !grap !hug !kwlug !lazyweb !mint !opendata !openhardware !osm !owncloud !replicant !scifi !security !sriracha !wasabi !sfd !ubuntu !ubuntuca !selfhost !sysadmin !weather !trisquel Welcome back, everybody!
Hmph. My instance isn't as recovered as I thought it was. Seems messages are being displayed by all accounts on my instance, whether they're subscribed to the sender or not. So I made mistakes in replying from the wrong account. Meant to include !Replicant and !fdroid
Upon a tip of @bobjonkman ... and by grace of #gnusocial groups feature
Just joining ... !fdroid !googlefree !opendata !openhardware !osm !owncloud !crypto !replicant !ubuntu !selfhost !sysadmin ...
let's get together
I just joined !fdroid here on !GNUsocial thanks to @bobjonkman
Now that the instance is back, the following !Fedgroups hosted here should be back too: !crypto !database !electoralreform !fdroid !food !fs !gnewsense !gnupg !googlefree !grap !hug !kwlug !lazyweb !mint !opendata !openhardware !osm !owncloud !replicant !scifi !security !sriracha !wasabi !sfd !ubuntu !ubuntuca !selfhost !sysadmin !weather !trisquel Welcome back, everybody!
@weerosie As @mikael said, get it through #F-Droid. Personally I've donated a couple of hundred SEK so far to the #Conversations developer because I get everyone to install it without paying the Google tax. :)
!til about #NewPipe: view and download video and audio from youtube in a more or less !googlefree way. Pretty epic app! Get it on #fdroid
@maiyannah OsmAnd~ (with a tilde in the end) is the best, available gratis through #F-Droid.
@mmn @manuel @nstr @einebiene Thank you for the reply. The latest !twidere version available in #fdroid fixes the "tweet too long" false-positive error and we can post! Thanks @mariotaku
@mmn @manuel @nstr @einebiene Thank you for the reply. The latest !twidere version available in #fdroid fixes the "tweet too long" false-positive error and we can post! Thanks @mariotaku
They're often called #Podcatchers -- I use #gPodder on my desktop (Ubuntu-MATE), and #AntennaPod on my phone (Cyanogenmod 7.2) available on #FDroid
Wow, why have I been waiting so long to try out #Maxs services for Android? Super easy, awesome remote control of your mobile device (via commands). Recommended use is !xmpp as transport. Found in #F-Droid.
@chalkahlom @copyme The #F-Droid version, called OsmAnd~ (with ~ at the end) is without limits. It's only OsmAnd in Google Play that has the arbitrary 10 country limit:
If you feel bad about not paying for a limitless version, do like me and other !mappers and contribute to :D
Thank you, #FDroid! You help us to freeing our mobile phones !ILoveFS
Thank you, #FDroid! You help us to freeing our mobile phones !ILoveFS
@takeshitakenji @vriska Even better, it's available through #F-Droid, the !FOSS only app repository!
Ohh, #FDroid has "search-as-you-type" now! ❤ !android