Notices tagged with eduposse, page 5
And I read the book out loud to my sons when they were young (probably too young to remember it)... In fact, I just found the second copy that was given to me - from a student teacher when I was a senior in high school. It's serendipitously and synchronistically delightful that you bring it up.
Oh absolutely not!! I LOVE that drawing - it has influenced my life since I was 16 years old :-)
Yeah we got Joshy one too! Happy father's day!
wicked awesome - just pre-ordered three kits; looking forward to ordering a bunch for MC2 as well
Yes, you absolutely should! Come to our October Math Celebration :-) Meanwhile, check out - you'll find a bunch of his work there. I'm happy to say we collaborate whenever possible ...
A friend met Hans Schepker years ago at a #state-fair IIRC—brought his card back to me. I feel like I should get around to meeting him....
A summary of modern progressive education:
Do you know Hans? Actually, I want to see if you're interested in our upcoming October math celebration day - in honor of Martin Gardner...
@kimqed, have you seen these *edible* versions? #home-ec + #practical #math ☺
@kimqed, I like it. Is the "schep" in that "schepinski"... Hans Schepker?
test 2
Susan Cain's take on nerd unpopularity:
Bret Victor is an interesting guy, with some interesting ideas on !education:!/Bio
Internet Defense League: mobilize planet, defend #internet from bad laws & monopolies, #save-the-world:
Internet Defense League: mobilize planet, defend #internet from bad laws & monopolies, #save-the-world:
Yes, yes, yes, and yes!!
An absolutely awesome way to learn math:
Libre Graphics Magazine issue 1.4 is out, and 2.1 is in the works:
@kimqed, you may appreciate this conversation from my `other tribe' about #certification: #foss
I had a couple of insurance-salesmen trying to sell me on `ensuring my son's ability to pay for a 4-year degree', last week. They showed me `expected lifetime earnings' figures for people with vs. without 4-year degrees. Talk about disorienting....