Notices tagged with copyright, page 3
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Apr-2015 22:05:35 EDT laurelrusswurm “Why is the gov’t using the budget to enact !copyright term extension that…benefits foreign record labels…” !CDNpoli -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Apr-2015 22:05:35 EDT laurelrusswurm “Why is the gov’t using the budget to enact !copyright term extension that…benefits foreign record labels…” !CDNpoli -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Apr-2015 20:58:10 EDT laurelrusswurm !CDNpoli Harper Gov’t sneaks in !copyright extension -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Apr-2015 17:23:57 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at !copyright extensions in a budget – what a travesty. CC: @piratepartyca -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Apr-2015 17:19:11 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at ♻ @howardknopf CDN Federal Budget: We’ll accede to WIPO treaty for the blind & extend !copyright term of sound recordings & performers to 70 years. !CDNpoli -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Friday, 03-Apr-2015 19:13:22 EDT laurelrusswurm New !Copyright Law May Have Made U.S. Netflix Illegal In Canada: Fasken Martineau -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Friday, 20-Mar-2015 14:32:45 EDT laurelrusswurm #USpoli US Congress publishes press release made of !copyright violating animated GIFs -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Sunday, 08-Feb-2015 10:55:26 EST Joshua Judson Rosen @mmn, there were #copyright license tags transmitted with posts in #OStatus' predecessor, #OMB. /cc -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkan)'s status on Saturday, 07-Feb-2015 04:55:53 EST Erkan Yılmaz this deserves wider attention: cc !gs !gnusocial !copyright -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Jan-2015 12:08:50 EST laurelrusswurm Nothing new 4 American !PublicDomain until 2019 !copyright -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Sunday, 16-Nov-2014 10:46:30 EST laurelrusswurm @jonkulp I don’t think it would be worth it to learn a proprietary Cuisinart measuring system. !copyright -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Monday, 27-Oct-2014 21:42:09 EDT laurelrusswurm @lnxw48 Your statement, “People that care about !privacy have to take some personal responsibility to make privacy-enhancing choices” sounds like a rebuke, or maybe even a judgement. Perhaps you’re thinking that all my talk about privacy is BS because I use Facebook. I am very much aware that anything unencrypted online is not secure, but I am online anyway. The truth of… -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014 06:14:14 EDT laurelrusswurm @vinzv I already have more than enough !copyright music in my head, I only have room for !FreeCulture music at this point. -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Monday, 13-Oct-2014 23:59:12 EDT laurelrusswurm This is brilliant !copyright ♻ @mv Wonderful Property Rights Dispute In San Francisco #screwpropertyrights -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Friday, 03-Oct-2014 17:14:38 EDT laurelrusswurm !copyright insanity . . . “How could a border guard have sufficient grasp of this very complex area of international copyright law to distinguish between a parallel import and a counterfeit or pirated good. It simply is beyond the scope of even people who practice this are of law full time to make such a determination on the spot at the border.” ~ Elizabeth May, discussing … -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Friday, 03-Oct-2014 17:04:32 EDT laurelrusswurm !copyright insanity: I’m impressed with Elizabeth May’s tenacity: !CDNpoli -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Oct-2014 08:50:51 EDT laurelrusswurm @vinzv That’s an interesting possibilty that hadn’t occurred to me; but it wouldn’t surprise me in our !copyright mad world -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkan)'s status on Monday, 29-Sep-2014 13:39:15 EDT Erkan Yılmaz well, then I guess we have at least with section 5 here (1) a problem. !copyright / licence question #agpl (1) -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Monday, 22-Sep-2014 17:06:29 EDT laurelrusswurm @encycl I am afraid there are indications they’re trying to suck Charade back into !copyright (a la “It’s A Wonderful Life.” -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Sunday, 21-Sep-2014 18:35:23 EDT laurelrusswurm @mcnalu Harold Lloyd is a wonderful example of !copyright harm; he exercised his own © with a heavy hand and today nobody knows who he is