@lnxw48 Your statement, “People that care about !privacy have to take some personal responsibility to make privacy-enhancing choices” sounds like a rebuke, or maybe even a judgement. Perhaps you’re thinking that all my talk about privacy is BS because I use Facebook. I am very much aware that anything unencrypted online is not secure, but I am online anyway. The truth of the matter is, we all have to make choices. I made the conscious decision not to be anonymous online, because it was more important to be able to advocate effectively for !copyright reform under my real name. I stopped being cagey about my actual birthdate once I published a book, because the information became public alongside the ISBN. I caved to Google extortion and gave it my cell # in order to be able to post what I thought to be a very important video to YouTube during an election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=empJLqfMZhU ... as it turned out, Google already had my number thanks to my inclusion in an unwitting friend’s iphone contact list.