Notices tagged with code
drak (drak)'s status on Saturday, 24-Jul-2021 18:47:51 EDT drak
#Scheme Benchmarks: — great comparison of the many different platforms that support #r7rs #code -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Thursday, 14-Jan-2016 15:59:37 EST Free Software Foundation
30 ways #FSF lights free software's way! We contribute to the #freesoftware #code we use -
majestyx (majestyx)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Jul-2015 15:12:39 EDT majestyx
#opensource #code #freesoftware #floss #ilovefs #gnu #linux !fediverse !gnusocial **BIG** THANKS @all #podmin !podmin YOU rocks !! too :-) #digitalhuge -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Friday, 12-Dec-2014 00:24:19 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
Has "ravioli #code" actually taken on a negative connotation? "hundreds of similar little pieces of logic, often classes or objects, without proper structure"? -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Thursday, 30-Oct-2014 08:37:29 EDT Erkan Yılmaz
"details of a neural Network that is capable of learning to #read simple #code and #execute it, #without first being taught the necessary programming language, a bit like successfully adding 2 numbers without knowing what addition or numbers actually are" (from: Computer with human-like learning will program itself) cc @question -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Mar-2014 09:00:57 EDT Erkan Yılmaz
here (1) is the #code of several SN clients. I guess they could be "trimmed down" (1) -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 08-Oct-2011 23:08:58 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
Brilliant #code !poetry !hack (note the value of `it'—profound!):