Notices tagged with backup
drak (drak)'s status on Tuesday, 01-Mar-2022 16:37:08 EST drak
Are your #backup’s ready and on external disks? Disconnected from your computer or phone? If not: Please get them ready. -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 03-Dec-2020 18:29:49 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
#HOWTO extract your data from one of those #Android #adb ".ab" #backup archives: apparently they're just tarballs with messed-up headers? -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 09-Jul-2020 02:16:52 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen
"It lets you keep your data in a “non-restorable” way, which is still useful."
How? *How* is that useful!?
#android #backup -
Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at (bobjonkmanformer)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Aug-2016 02:12:15 EDT Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at
A #Backup story: I once administered a server for 16 independent offices, all backed up on the same tapes. A provincial law said that each office owned its own data, and when an office was replaced it could choose to destroy its data. That meant we had to destroy the backup tapes for all the offices when only one chose to destroy its data, leaving all the other offices vulnerable … -
Temporary Marjolein (mk)'s status on Thursday, 04-Aug-2016 17:35:30 EDT Temporary Marjolein
Bedtime for me, it was a busy day. #tomorrow I should start installing stuff for the first part of my new #backup system. Good night !tzaf all !fediverse !tempfix -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Wednesday, 08-Oct-2014 18:01:08 EDT Erkan Yılmaz
Hilfe für Community: bei einem #Ausfall bleibt die Kommunikation im !fediverse teilweise intakt (stell dir mal vor, wie viele heulen, wenn quitter off geht; auch Gruppen sollten doppelt + 3fach existieren); als #Backup für unsere msgs, je mehr backups, desto besser; #Vorbild für andere, damit die's auch wagen -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2014 19:08:30 EST Erkan Yılmaz
if you've done a #backup of the DB before :-) else :-( -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Friday, 14-Feb-2014 08:36:22 EST Joshua Judson Rosen
A sysadmin #not knowing how to #backup a web or FTP site with wget would be noteworthy. Unfamiliarity with standard tools is a warning sign. -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Sunday, 09-Feb-2014 12:54:19 EST Erkan Yılmaz
I'm wondering when Evan will make the #backup of the knowledge of the users finally available :-( it's 7 months now since SN was removed as backend there. Evan (2013 Jan 9): "All accounts will be #backed up and made available for download" on #destroyingKnowledge101 -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2014 16:26:12 EST Erkan Yılmaz
@question I hope you had a #backup of the most important data, "free inodes count wrong for group" ? -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Sunday, 12-Jan-2014 11:36:19 EST Erkan Yılmaz
"Changes are coming, although not as #fast as I'd hoped." "If you're worried right now, make a #backup of your account. Even better, set up a #StatusNet site on your own servers and start using it." -
Erkan Yılmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Saturday, 28-Dec-2013 16:37:21 EST Erkan Yılmaz
#BACKUPs are good! scenario where I had #no space on host's / while vbox was running. :-( fixed the space problem, but vbox wouldn't start anymore :-( telling: (1). With this hint: (2) it got fixed. (2) solution: "However Vbox now makes a XXX.xml-prev #backup file so you can recover your machine." from (2b). (1) problem: Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object. The app… -
Joshua Judson Rosen
Back In Time
Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux inspired from “flyback project” and “TimeVault”. The backup is done by taking snapshots of a specified set of directories.
erkanyilmaz (erkanyilmaz)'s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2013 07:14:27 EDT erkanyilmaz
NEW !statusnet #backup script to #export your dents - by @speeddefrost