Notices tagged with apache, page 2
And if it's not possible to run !GNUsocial or #StatusNet on #PHP7, whether it's possible to run #Apache with #PHP7 in one virtual server, and #PHP5 in another...
What would it take to dump the usernames of authenticated !gnusocial users in #apache logs? I see that usernames are dumped in /var/log/apache/access.log when gs is accessed via api (e.g. andstatus), while most other web services I run do not log this info. Any idea/help? !selfhost
@deavmi I use a CGI plugin for #lighttpd but yes, #apache does have #mod_cgi if you're interested in !selfhost ing.
@knuthollund That should be smooth sailing (unless, like me, you've got homegrown scripts which do some maintenance work and suddenly PID files go missing because of systemd-ifcation). But Debian is awesome. It'll work out fine for you. One thing with Apache (because I think you'll go from 2.x to 2.4) is that they have new syntax for access lists. The htaccess.sample …
No #apache logs either?
Keep 2 instances of !SN or !GS in separate #Apache virtual servers; also, use the "$config['daemon']['piddir']" directive in each config.php
Don't like keys in memory. To bad it does not seem to be possible to configure #Apache HTTP Server to use a (soft) HSM. !crypto #infosec
!til why the default #apache site starts with 000.
Sh!t! @LinuxForYou Hey @Oracle, let #Apache Software Found/ !GNU experts fix #Java #security
61k #github projects licensed: (Lesser) #GPL, but 2x as many released under #MIT, #BSD, or #Apache license, none of those #copyleft licenses
interesting, I didn't know the word " #doocracy " was present in #Apache lingo as well (discovered via @mjray)
First release of my !Apache !httpd module for !XMPP over !WebSocket
list of #federated !statusnet instances: 223 current stats: web server used: 80% #apache - 13% #nginx #language: 68% e…
!Linux/#Chapro.A. attack…look like part of a trend for using 64-bit #Apache as a #malware conduit aimed@ #Windows !GNU
@tmarble: out of curiosity, did you deploy !mediagoblin using #apache or some other web server?
!GNU/ !Linux !Debian/ !Ubuntu distribution specific #Apache web server configuration (tip from @Rackspace)
Rolling #Apache 2.4.3≈ #cloud inst…create !Mx usr/group/id in !Debian: groupadd -rog 33 tzitzimitl; useradd -rog tzitzimitl -u 33 tzitzimitl
Rolling #Apache 2.4.3 in #cloud inst…create !Mx usr/group/id in !Debian: groupadd -og 33 tzitzimitl; useradd -og tzitzimitl -u 33 tzitzimitl
Wanted #Apache 2.4.3 for a !Debian #Squeeze but it wasn't even in #Sid; thus I just built it & its relevant module by building #PHP 5.4.9 :)
How to #Proxyfy #Apache web server & potentially avoid #rootkit that relies on #nginx !GNU/ !Linux