hack group members, page 2
A list of the users in this group.
cmhobbs cmhobbs Darkansas https://libernil.net/~cmhobbs
Family man, software developer, domestic punk, and armchair activist. I do filthy, nerdy things...
cmhobbs Christopher M. Hobbs Arkansas http://libernil.net
General family man, domestic punk, mercenary developer, network cowboy, free software advocate, and armchair activist. I do filthy, nerd …
patrickniedzielski patrickniedzielski Ithaca, NY http://pniedzielski.wordpress.com/
Free Software developer and student at Cornell University studying Computer Science and Linguistics. My interests include high performan …
meikodis meikodis I am here where others are not are the others not are are are not others are where. http://meikodis.org
Gay. Declared atheist. FSF member.
johnnynull Johnny Null In the thralls of annoyance http://johnnynull.com
graphic artist | martial artist | hiker | reader/writer | atheist | paleo | debt free | anti-TV | jerk | property of @hotmamahikers
expatpaul expatpaul Belgium http://www.expatpaul.eu/
British film buff and Science Fiction nerd. Currently living in Belgium and earning an income from building interfaces.
bijan bijan open web, Internet http://RoutinesExcluded.tk/
web developer and a FreeSoftware fan, GNU/Linux user and ... that's pretty much ;)
ghostdancer ghostdancer Third rock from the Sun
dad, debian user, geek, love cooking and eating (not foodie) and drinking(from beer to whisky all the way through wine and gintonic)
rozzin Joshua Judson Rosen Admin Nashua, New Hampshire, USA http://www.hackerposse.com/~rozzin
Robotanist, FOSS engineer, artist w/ a superhuman ability to distinguish shades of khaki. FoxtrotGPS, libvisualid, GNU Robots maintainer.