Is it enough to check HTTP_REFERER to make sure someone is making a request from your own domain? I assume that privacy-aware browsers don't remove that header when sending requests to the same domain name.
@drymer I just pushed a fix to !GNUsocial so POSTs against the API require an HTTP_REFERER value with the same domain as the site is served on (unless using OAuth) so forms on third party websites can't POST to an authenticated session. pointed out that this could be done (since !Qvitter changes require API access without OAuth using an ordinary session)…
@drymer By XHR being unaffected I mean it was already protected against that (POSTs via javascript).
@drymer It'll give a 401 unauthorized.
Which kind of 3rd party plugins are you thinking about?
@drymer Nothing should ever use #CSRF (cross site request forgery) as a feature and think they can get away with it :D
@cathal We use HTMLPurifier (previously htmLawed) to remove malicious HTML .)
@cathal I even remove <img> tags, which StatusNet didn't do (and Diaspora serms to think is a feature). So no possibility to include tracking via remote resources either. (I try to fix everything that flags me on either noscript or requrspolicy plugins)
@cathal I made GNUsocial even remove*
It's not just me who removes 'em ;)
@cathal StoreRemoteMedia is a plugin that downloads remote images to the server and delivers them locally. It's recommended by the !qvitter readme .)
@cathal When we start sharing more videos and audio and choose to cache that locally we might start running into some issues though (delays for downloading and storage space).