!gnusocial Predictions on what might happen if I downgrade from 1.2 beta 4 to 1.2 beta 3? Or should I bite the bullet and switch to Master? I'm having a ton of problems since upgrade.
@moonman Don't downgrade. What are your problems?
@moonman They won't be solved unless we report teh bugz .)
@moonman 1) You've always had those Page not found "errors" (just ordinary 404 when someone requests a URL you don't have), they're just a bit more visible now! 2) Give me a link to that particular thread. Could be 0) decentralised is not distributed 1) moderation 2) temporary connection failures 3) all of the above 3) Update Qvitter too! Always try to be using the lat…
I recommend using but I don't check that every day. And if you're on nightly, it's probably best pinging me here since then it's probably something I am semi-aware that I may inflicted recently and can fix right away :)
@coolboymew @moonman I know that I've had issues with because of IPv6 (non-)connectivity.
@moonman I think the master branch is suitable for anyone who doesn't want to expect total armageddon quite as often as on the nightly branch.
(actually it hasn't happened yet, we've just had occasional database fuckups on nightly)
@bes I want to, and I think @bashrc's work on creating a Debian package helps out with that motivation. I've personally got a bit of a learning curve to know what and how to do stuff regarding releasing but I totally agree that it's probably scaring some users away that we don't have stable releases.