I've been thinking occasionally that a #FLOSS implementation of #Snapchat would've been fun. But 0.3 milliseconds later I'm always struck by the morality of the issue. Since the functionality Snapchat claims to deliver is _impossible_, I don't want to produce software which outright #lies to people.
@tomas No. Everyone don't know that.
@andresinmp Dude. You can't stop someone from taking a picture of the screen. Nothing you can see can be guaranteed to be deleted.
@andresinmp Ok, so what tells you that Snapchat don't store the data themselves?
@andresinmp But since it is impossible (according to the laws of physics) to make a service that works how it is portrayed, I don't think it's a good idea. And if you make that service without making such claims, then you've obviously not made the same service.