What's the fucking deal about #TheDress? Here are its colours defined properly:
Get your monitors calibrated, get rid of your glossy screens and get your image editors ready. There's no discussion. Nothing interesting. Noone outside the image/video editing industry has a calibrated monitor. So all colours are different for all users.
- Joshua Judson Rosen repeated this.
And the camera that took the picture has even worse quality than my heavily-scratched-lens #Jolla.
@expatpaul Yeah, I saw that. But it still doesn't explain why everyone are wrong (it's neither "blue and black" or "white and gold", it's fucking blue and [dark] beige according to the washed out, crappy picture taken probably with automatic white balancing in a mixture of flourescent and incandescent lighting.
@mmn @expatpaul I'm not sure what the definition of cyan is, maybe it's closer to that than blue. But there's definitely too much red and green in the color value for it to be declared any kind of white.
#Color constancy:
@expatpaul That's still not what people are debating. And I thought the variation in perception of colour was something everyone knew intuitively because of stuff like worse colour perception in bad lighting etc. Or for that matter, this age-old (pre year 2000?) massively shared optical illusion of a rotating "green" dot: People …
@johnnynull Dangit, BBC has gone copyrightnazi on the video in that article: But that was an interesting read and it's of course a fascinating subject - as always with the human brain and what is genetic and what is environmentally caused. The discussion (and existing data) regarding #TheDress is however so faulty and lacking tha…
@johnnynull Yeah, it's just some hyped thing in the walled gardens.