@knuthollund @hannes2peer More memory and caching is always good in /etc/mysql/my.cnf (oh, and using #MariaDB of course makes it all less Oracle and more cool)
It's irrelevant to disable those to increasing performance. The margins are infinitesimal. It's much worse for the DB server to do a cross-table lookup even using properly indexed keys.
Especially when running as #Quitter does, OpportunisticQM is probably just beneficial.
Cronish doesn't do anything right now - at all - but will be useful for polling non-PuSH feeds in the future.
#OpportunisticQM is not needed, but it will perform queue tasks on ordinary requests. When a site works like quitter (polling intervals) it'll just work through the queue faster (assuming there's enough computing powaahrrrr, but the scale we're talking about here isn't a problem for anything anyone uses today).
#Cronish functionality is _not_ handled by the daemons, as it will only run onEndActionExecute(...)
Yeah if you're running daemons you don't _need_ #OpportunisticQM and if running the default interface, you might experience slightly faster page loads that way.
Just make sure your daemons are always running. I enjoy using #OpportunisticQM as a backup for crashing daemons. :)