Why is important for !security to block #ping? Because #dogma?
I allow the network facing router to respond to ping, but the pings dont pass through the firewall. Other services (web, mail, XMPP) are already responding to requests, so it's not like the IP address is undiscoverable. Ping provides a valuable diagnostic tool.
Is there a rationale for having a firewall block nodes inside from *pinging out*?
#Best_Practices would say "Block everything, allow only what's necessary" implying that outbound ping should be blocked. In practice, I allow outbound ping. Philosophically, I'm in favour of an #OpenWeb, so I'm inclined to allow outbound everything. However, realities pervail (including $EMPLOYER policies), so I don't necessarily preach what I practice.
"Not preaching what you practice" sounds preferable to "not practicing what you preach", if only because "not preaching" sounds good. I wish more people would practice that ☺