"Throughout the book #Occupy, !Chomsky discusses what the Occupy movement is and what it is demanding, as well as advocating #ways in which it could gain greater support and achieve governmental reforms, using historical examples as evidence" cc @question
In "After 30 years of class war": !Chomsky "contrasts it with the #TeaParty movement, which he argues only represents the interests of a small #Euro-American minority, being backed by the #corporate support that Occupy rejects. He then draws comparisons between Occupy and the #ArabSpring, arguing that the latter had been far more successful in bringing down governments be…
"Proceeding to discuss the successes that popular #protest have had in influencing #government decisions, he argues that the protests of the 1930s led to the formation of the New Deal, and that the protests against the Iraq War - although unable to stop the conflict - helped to moderate the use of weaponry used by U.S. troops." cc @question
"As such, !Chomsky advocates that communities take a different approach to the upcoming primary #elections; instead of simply listening to speeches given by the politicians hoping to be elected, they should get together in democratic #councils and #discuss what issues they want addressing", "One way to go at it is just to elect YOUR #own representatives. It's not impossible." cc @question
!Chomsky "noted a similar situation that occurred in a suburb of Boston in the early 21st century, when a multinational decided to #close down a manufacturing facility because it was not producing sufficient #profit. When the worker's trade #union attempted to #purchase the factory, the multinational #refused, for reasons that Chomsky speculated were due to #class consciousness" cc @question