Searching for "science fiction" on Google with the free culture filter on mostly just returns Wikipedia pages. Sad. !cc
@claudeb if you eventually find something read worthy please share :-)
The only examples I know of are my own short stories and a friend's novella: !cc
@claudeb looks good, is there any downloadable pdf or epub version? I don't see any on the site :-(
I just made one, but wasn't able to contact the author about it yet. It's common courtesy, you know. :) !cc
@claudeb 7 of pieces in (I note which ones) are fiction, all at least loosely SF.
@mlinksva One's mine! In fact, I'm already working on a sequel:
@mlinksva Also I plan to draw a manga, I'll begin writing out as a light novel.
@csolisr that's a great start. I'm eagerly awaiting the rest!
@mlinksva ...At least you read the first part, did you?
@csolisr yes, of course. I particularly enjoyed consequences of gender imbalance in free software, and even more "We decided that the..."
@csolisr "...freedom to use our knowledge for the benefit of humankind was more important than anything else. We fled into the desert,..."
@csolisr "...mounted a clandestine village, and have lived there ever since, waiting for someone from the outside to tell us that the..."
@csolisr "...regime is over." Intentional or unintentional, it's great.
@mlinksva Very intentional, in fact. Hopefully you have read the first part.
@csolisr yes I read if that's what you meant.