Someone knows an app to convert OSM maps to OsmAnd file format (.obf)? OsmandMapCreator doesn't work.
@jesuschacho Try Osmosis. It's command-line, though.
Thank you, Alexander. I will try it.
@jesuschacho Thanks. By the way, #Choqok says you replied to yourself. ;)
@jesuschacho @happy5214 where does the mentioned Wiki page say Osmosis can convert to OsmAnd's obf?
@jesuschacho @samatjain OsmAnd's page says it reads *.osm.pbf files, and Osmosis is the reference implementation of PBF.
@happy5214 OsmAnd's Wiki page? I don't think that's accurate, and/or misleading… have you actually gotten it to work?
@samatjain I wouldn't be able to, since I don't have an Android device. Reading the documentation, it seems they're different formats. [...]
@samatjain @happy5214 But based on you should be able to use it as a source for OsmAndMapTileCreator.
@happy5214 Man, you really screwed that one up. ;) #GettingIntoBusinessIKnowNothingAbout
@happy5214 …and back to the OP's original comment to OsmAndMapTileCreator not working. Osmosis not directly relevant here