!Debian "Testing" users: If you aren't getting the new GDM3 design after updating, run this command "dpkg-reconfigure gdm3". Worked for me.
What "new #GDM3 design", @jacobwb? The partial !Debian white Swirl on the lower right of the screen?
No, not talking about backgrounds. Here's an example: Old -> New ->
"No, not talking about backgrounds." Indeed, @jacobwb, but lately we have been some of those as an indication of something changing. Thanks!
Looks nice, but what version of gdm3 do you have installed? For me, dpkg-reconfigure does not change anything
When /etc/apt/source.list contains 'wheezy' is it 'testing'. I know a should search it on the net instead of asking ...
@identlud Yes. Because "Wheezy" is the next release, and "sid" is always the unstable repository.
@identlud within a few months, it will be stable.
@yahya69 3.4.1-2. Maybe I mean to say "sid" users?
@jacobwb OK then it means that the new GDM cannot be displayed on a KVM emulated computer : no 3D support I guess
That's the same version I have. It is both in sid and wheezy. I also looked through the postinst script and I cannot find anything obvious
@yahya69 Hmm. Well, that's all I did and now I have the new one.