-, do you find #Seeks to be `competitive' with #Google & #DDG, in terms of quality of #search results?
@rozzin Very. Considering #seeks aggregates from google, bing, yahoo, blekko, etc… with click rankings from other seeks nodes, it has excellent results. ;)
I've been wondering how #Seeks resolves the #porn #paradox (which every #search engine faces...).
I haven’t seen any porn related results yet. May have to query some borderline terms and see what results I get…
Also, you can use my instance to test things out if you want. I have it as anonymous as I can get it. All potential logging goes to /dev/null and there is zero tracking done on the node. ;)
The #porn-paradox of #decentralised #web-search: `can it find me new #porn?' vs. `will it reveal my porn habits?'
Wait..., did @jpope just offer to help me find #porn? So this is *that* kind of #federation!? Whoa. !VivaLaFederation!
@rozzin Well, we’re all here to help each other out. ;-)