AndStatus (andstatus)'s status on Friday, 17-Aug-2018 12:03:12 EDT AndStatus @nico Hi Nico!
Any links to your work on #AndStatus fork?!-
AndStatus (andstatus)'s status on Saturday, 18-Aug-2018 10:31:21 EDT AndStatus @nico Do you have any kind of an overview of what you are planning / dreaming of? -
Nico (nico)'s status on Saturday, 18-Aug-2018 10:35:26 EDT Nico @andstatus the idea is to free the user from preconceptions about people from their timeline, maybe interact with people they normally don't, to highlight any subconscious prejudice in terms of the attributes you know about the people you follow
AndStatus repeated this. -
AndStatus (andstatus)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 01:55:29 EDT AndStatus @nico Actually, this "Anonymize other users" feature may be an option in the mainstream #AndStatus.
...Although mentioning other users in notes' body should be real (not anonymized usernames) for the interactions to work correctly.
Anyway, I could add a simple implementation of this feature just for starting playing with it?!
@funkpirata @nico @sajith -
AndStatus (andstatus)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 13:40:04 EDT AndStatus @nico Yes, for public testing versions please see