@gdorn Currently #AndStatus can show timelines filtered by full words or by quoted phrases, containing full words only. This is why, for example, domain name loadaverage.org can be found only in a case it is typed as a separate word, like in this post, and not as a part of the URL with a path inside this domain...
AndStatus@Mastodon (andstatus)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jun-2018 03:54:22 EDT AndStatus@Mastodon
- AndStatus repeated this.
AndStatus@Mastodon (andstatus)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jun-2018 03:54:53 EDT AndStatus@Mastodon
@gdorn ...We need to adopt some syntax to tell the application that substring search should be used. #ActivityPub doesn't mention any query syntax. So in order to filter by a part of URL I think that Twitter's "premium" :-) syntax could be used, e.g.:
or even:
- in order to avoid matching with longer domain names
(see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/rules-and-filtering/overview/premium-operators.html )
?!AndStatus repeated this. -
AndStatus@Mastodon (andstatus)'s status on Friday, 22-Jun-2018 01:31:31 EDT AndStatus@Mastodon
@gdorn Please note that you can use one Search timeline to query notes/posts from a server (make that timeline periodically syncable but hidden from the Timeline selection; and use that server's specific query syntax there, e.g. adding lang:en to a Twitter's query string to filter by language),
but use another timeline with simpler syntax (supported by #AndStatus) to _view_ results of that search!AndStatus repeated this.