Well, even though I like being able to run up to date stuff, !debian testing is getting on my nerves lol. i am not a tester :P
@loug Trust me, even Debian testing is pretty stable and not really a bleeding edge distribution.
This place needs more than 140 characters. it's not so much that it's bleeding edge it's that even install chromium caused things to crash
or installing something couldn't happen because "the operation had been cancelled" despite nothing cancelling it.
Why are you using Chromium, anyway? Use Google Chrome. There are Deb repos for stable, dev and beta.
Because Chromium doesn't have the tracker stuff that chrome does. but in the end I did download chrome. Chromium was merely an example tho
@loug That's strange. I've known sid to be more stable. Testing isn't necessary equal to unstable. I used Chakra testing, which is PRETTY
@loug bleeding edge (as far as apps are concerned) and it was pretty stable.