The number one feature of any new social networking platform should be the ability to communicate with existing users of other platforms.
- MMN-o ✅⃠ likes this.
Seems like a silly thing to cut off your software from value that is added by other people. Especially since the code is already there
I left because the platform was overloaded and I wanted to help out. Since then I'm not jumping on any new bandwagons.
I guess I respect people who are willing to try new platforms. But it always risks fracturing the community.
I like Quitter. Some of the instances were censorship happy for a while but they've figured it out I think.
I'm not entirely sure what I'd do if a white supremacist or child pornographer wanted an account on my instance. #FREEdom
I never understood why people didn't just unfollow people they didn't like. If no one hears hate speech, does it really exist?
It is quite fun to whine and complain. In order to do that you need something to complain about, I guess. Hate Speech as a Service (tm)