Big STO sale for Christmas and I aint got any money :c
@gameragodzilla Everything, except for a few of the pack things, heh.
@gameragodzilla The top tier ships are 20 bucks on the sale, but there's all kinds of them. I guess I'd have to pick one xP
@gameragodzilla 22.64 Canadian so however much that is american, specifically, but I figure its supposed to be about 20
@gameragodzilla Well cheaper for you I guess :P
It just buys stuff from steam wallet so I guess paypal is the way to go, cause I dont think you can gift wallet funds
@gameragodzilla The closest I see is the wallet funds cards but you'd have to buy more that way, no doubt that exactly what Valve intended ofc
@gameragodzilla They always are. Paypal didn't become a billion-dollar company by being nice.
@gameragodzilla Looks like it.