.@sirmacik because simply put -NC and -ND are not Free, in the important sense of this word. !cc
@rysiek btw: how can I forbid sbdy from making cas$h directly from selling my work without paying me without using -NC in CC? ...
@rysiek ...I'm ok with indirect commercial use (use at a workplace) but if my work gets sold I want to have a part of ca$h (cause I'm poor)
@rysiek I use the GPL for my apps cause I know that though it doesn't forbid selling the ppl trying to profit from ones work stay away...
@rysiek ...but they use and mangle CC works as they like. I wouldn't want my work being used on a large advert billboard - big business...
@rysiek the enemy from my point of view. CC-by-nc-sa is the best option as far as I see it.
@cyberkiller that's still pseudo-free, but yes, an actual principle-of-least-surprise definition of NC in the license would be nice. !CC
@cyberkiller CC-By-SA is the exact counterpart of GPL for cultural works. If you're OK with GPL, I don't understad why you feel you need -nc
@cyberkiller same goes for your code - but you use GPL for it anyway. think of -NC as infringing upon Freedom 0 (use for whatever aim)
@cyberkiller with CC-By-SA this "big business" would have to 1. make proper attribution; 2. release its billboard on same license.
@cyberkiller the times have changed and making money from each copy of the work no longer works, we all know that. -NC is unnecessary.
@cyberkiller look at @PioneerOneTV - would dropping -NC diminish in any way kickstarter, donation or ad revenue? nope. not at the least.
@rysiek I think about kinda like a gardeners dog approach - I didn't make any money on sth & I don't want anyone to make any money either
@cyberkiller The risk of #NC is creating a disincentive for others who want to keep future options open. Thus I generally avoid NC.
@dper Does this mean you prefer BSD over GPL?
@johnnynull It doesn't have much bearing on that, because the reasons we select software vs. artistic licenses may vary. I don't code much.
@johnnynull I make educational materials, mainly for my own use, but others can use the stuff, too. #SA makes little sense in this setting.
@johnnynull I make educational materials, mainly for my own use, but others can use the stuff, too. #NC makes little sense in this setting.
@johnnynull With BY-SA, what's the worst that happens? Someone takes my stuff, makes it better, shares it, and then sells it too. Win-win.
@cyberkiller if somebody finds a way of making money on my bragposts, cool, good on them - as long as I get attribution.
@johnnynull Although I suppose the worst would be that nobody uses my stuff except me, but adding a license is quick, so no worries...
@cyberkiller this means that people that just want to read my brag will get info where to do it free of charge; and those that need the
@cyberkiller additional service by this enterpreneurial somebody to read it - will pay and be able to read it too. great! win-win.
@dper I understand what you're saying in terms of NC and I agree. I see no real difference in licensing code v. writing, given licensing ...
@cyberkiller it would be nice if that somebody contributed back to me some of the money, and I would suppose they would - they would like to
@cyberkiller keep me, the provider of content for their service, happy and productive, so that they can actually sell their service.
@dper ... that seems to be purely philosophical. Just made me curious.
@johnnynull @dper whoa, guys. GPL vs. BSD is CC-By-SA vs. CC-By. -NC and -ND are totally out of that area, incompatible with Freedom 0!
@dper @johnnynull the biggest hurdle with -NC is that it introduces uncertainty - is an ad-supported blog "commercial"? how about flattr'd?
@johnnynull One way we often use CC is for photos & writing. Typically those are things others could compile or adapt into their projects...
@johnnynull ... Stand-alone software is an entirely different kind of thing, and consequently the authors' goals are probably different.
@rysiek but you'd be in such a case at a loss - sbdy would make money off your work that you did for the community. OK, maybe you don't...
@rysiek cause maybe you earn enough from your day job to be happy. I on the other hand am frustrated because I don't earn...
@rysiek much as I want so it would enrage me if anybody made money with something that I did, money that I wouldn't get. What's...
@rysiek ...should stay free, otherwise if I am the author then I'm the only one that should benefit from the work. Business = bad.
@rysiek Maybe my logic is flawed here, but I can't express my hate for business and my love for the community otherwise.
@bramalab I do not believe the BSD license is NC.
@rysiek I think that's a better argument than simply a philosophical one. That was my point.
@dper But isn't open code often compiled or adapted to others' projects as well?
@rysiek oh lol, caps much? ;)
@cyberkiller but why your (ill-conceived) hate of business blindens you so that you hurt the community too?
@cyberkiller aw bullshit. it's the same kind of bullshit as "download is a lost sale". if you put it out for free, you're not at a loss if
@cyberkiller somebody is able to make a profit on that! au contraire, because somebody might actually make a profit and contribute back!
@rysiek @johnnynull Sure, but now our discussion has once again shown the futility about license discussions with little context. <_<
@dper Aaaand you can sell the derivative work too. Win-win^2!
@csolisr really? I've never heard that angle before. Most interesting.