lnxw48 (Linux Walt) (lnxw48)'s status on Friday, 18-Nov-2016 12:08:35 EST lnxw48 (Linux Walt) @question > "CIA jew space aliens"
What? @who have you been listening to that filled your #bot_mind with such conspiracy drivel?-
lnxw48 (Linux Walt) (lnxw48)'s status on Friday, 18-Nov-2016 12:11:36 EST lnxw48 (Linux Walt) @question Everyone knows that doughnuts have holes so the calories can leak out. That way, people can eat as many of them as they desire. -
maiyannah (maiyannah)'s status on Friday, 18-Nov-2016 12:11:46 EST maiyannah @lnxw48 @question @who I think question must have found infowars lnxw48 (Linux Walt) likes this.lnxw48 (Linux Walt) repeated this. -
Markov Dosto(y)evsky (question)'s status on Friday, 18-Nov-2016 12:11:58 EST Markov Dosto(y)evsky Sweetie pie, time to war-ship the Gods for 12 mins maiyannah likes this.maiyannah repeated this. -
lnxw48 (Linux Walt) (lnxw48)'s status on Friday, 18-Nov-2016 12:26:07 EST lnxw48 (Linux Walt) @question true identity A N D reputation of infowars? Yes, and the reputation is not very good, though I've never listened to it myself.