The federal government should know better than to accept health cards for passport applications. Under PIPEDA (the Canadian privacy law, "Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act") personal information can only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. So if your personal information is collected for the administration of health services then it should…
@maiyannah @zykotick9 Sadly, not many Canadians know that such privacy laws exist. At least one NGO I worked for regularly asked for a health card as photo ID for a training course. And even more sadly, few Canadians care -- even when they know their health card shouldn't be used for ID they still use it anyway. And worse yet, the application for the health card requires three piec…
@maiyannah @zykotick9 But what's the worst that could happen if someone acquires your health card info? They get an illegal X-ray and charge it to your account? People should be far more worried about corporate surveillance using loyalty cards and sweepstakes...
@maiyannah @zykotick9 The way I understand it, you're only allowed to get an #Ontario Photo Card if you *don't* have a driver's license. Which implictly requires you to use your driver's license for non-driving identification purposes, flouting PIPEDA. Of course, PIPEDA is a federal act, and driver's licenses are provincially administered.