MMN-o ✅⃠ on
This remote profile is registered on another site; see mmn's original profile page on
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Mar-2019 05:38:06 EDT MMN-o ✅⃠
Kul att de fortfarande orkar spela! -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Saturday, 16-Mar-2019 11:10:56 EDT MMN-o ✅⃠
@nidron "Som att sitta i en hög med drivved, med små bitar som flöt omkring runt en. Sedan luktade man rakvatten länge efteråt." - recension av badbomben -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Mar-2019 03:47:44 EDT MMN-o ✅⃠
How poetic. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Saturday, 09-Mar-2019 19:14:53 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@h2p @nidron ja, alla är välkomna till min hosting-dungeon-jag-menar-källare. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Saturday, 09-Mar-2019 07:25:50 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@nivex Yeah, because Android and iOS don't rely on XML for just all aspects of (build/OS) configuration and metadata. -
Tomas SA2TMS (tomas)'s status on Thursday, 07-Mar-2019 05:56:49 EST Tomas SA2TMS
The best one of these so far -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2019 15:53:26 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
People living in Norrland should get additional vacation due to the time it takes to travel. -
Mikael (mikael)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2019 12:54:47 EST Mikael
ffplay sctp://
I have a test opus stream over sctp. Ipv4 and ipv6. Seems to work with NAT. I don't see the widespread blocking that webrtc claimed. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Thursday, 07-Mar-2019 00:58:48 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
Jag VILL ju... Hnngh. Vad kostar den? -
Enno Lenze (ennolenze)'s status on Thursday, 10-Jan-2019 10:47:15 EST Enno Lenze
This is Jeremiah. Jeremiah wore safety goggles while angle grinding. Jeremiah still has his right eye. Be like Jeremiah.
Erwin Olario (gowin)'s status on Sunday, 24-Feb-2019 06:03:16 EST Erwin Olario
#OpenStreetMap contributor TagaSanPedroAko also dabbles on 3D mapping. Here's their handiwork on Basilica de la Immaculada Concepcion in Batangas City.
Tomas SA2TMS (tomas)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Feb-2019 08:53:29 EST Tomas SA2TMS
Hot new Foucault meme: -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Monday, 18-Feb-2019 14:10:38 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@b9ace So when's the torrent out? -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Monday, 18-Feb-2019 13:54:02 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@cwebber Don't worry, I'm on the team that thinks #ActivityPub should NOT have private messages! .D -
drak (drak)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 14:56:35 EST drak
Parsing JSON is a Minefield -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 14:12:48 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@aral Aye, but the risks of being 100% unable to run !FS on the platform (i.e. Apple) must surely be a worse strategic approach?
Of course I mean repurposing used hardware and not purchasing new Google-financing dung. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 07:28:12 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@tom79 The atom feed you subscribe to via PuSH there is everything the !GNUsocial user publishes.
If you want to send something "upstream" we use "salmon", to where you can send your own notifications (like "hey, I subscribed to you!" or "you are mentioned in this notice"). -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 07:25:39 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@tom79 I'm not sure what you're asking really. Do you want to know the endpoints for subscribing to a !fediverse user on !GNUsocial? If you do a #WebFinger lookup you'll get this: curl -s | json_pp ... "href" : "", "rel" : "", ... The Atom feed, just li… -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 05:00:57 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@tom79 Oh wait, you want to follow an entire instance? Well, you could always just subscribe to the feed. I think maybe that's only notices and not activities in general and it's not served via PuSH natively. But a generic, separate PuSH service that's not tied into the core of GNU social code would be nice. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 04:55:59 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
@tom79 Do you want to "share" or download a status via a similar interface that you remote-subscribe via?