Notices tagged with drwho, page 5
@satipera I agree. Also, I feel the central characters have become to self conscious in the matt smith era
These cinematic !Drwho productions are nice but you have to have a good story. Episode 3 was like a game with great graphics but unplayable.
sssh, everyone - i'm watching !drwho
@jasonriedy you watched it with sylvester McCoy?
@satipera @mcnalu We all watched Dragonfire together... He pointed out that he's the *only* one "slipping" on ice. Still unhappy abt it. ;)
@Jasonriedy You are right in that he was subject to the people who made the decisions in !Drwho
@satipera actually my sister bought it for me. my previous description is what I made of him - seemed genuine, not an act.
@Mcnalu What made you buy his autobiography? What opinion of him did you take from the chat?
@satipera I was buying his autobiography in Cambridge and he was there signing. it was very quiet so I got a good chat with him.
@mcnalu How did you meet him? Btw you put that very nicely :)
@satipera I met Tom baker. He was bonkers-charming, and took a chivalrous interest in "my ladies" (sister and wife). Great doctor too.
@Mcnalu This one, Tom Baker and I am not sure about the third. (Not Tennant I rank him with Sylvester McCoy)
@satipera who's in your top 3? I'd go for Tennant, Troughton, Davison. Not sure on order.
This !DrWho is amongst the three best. When I first heard about him I thought he would be a disaster.
Chris Chibnall is Moffat's equivalent to RTD's Helen Raynor. Delivers dependable made-to-measure meh. !DrWho
@mcnalu I gotta wait to watch with my wife...
@jasonriedy I think this is going to be a weekly ritual.
@mcnalu SPOILERS!
"it's sort of the opposite of obvious" !drwho
You know !DrWho is becoming mainstream when: