But I mean, having to become pioneers and sing all these nice songs about the government would be awful to me. If that were to happen to me, I don't think I'd be that keen on public school either. I think we just live in two different cultures, and so I didn't understand why you said my life was unique when it didn't seem so unique compared to where I am. Parents aren't so rigid here, I even knew other girls who dressed like I wanted to later on and they were allowed.

I don't think the things you are fixating on here are what make socialising a problem. It was bullying that set me back... not that I had to wear dresses when I was a little kid. Not that I wore pink. As a kid, I still went where I thought the interesting toys were. Given that I'm the opposite to what you are saying here, if you are right then I should be a girly girl right now. I should be in pink and wearing dresses or skirts. I should be out shopping more, and doing stereotypical girl things. But I'm not, because even though I was "indoctrinated" into those things... that's not who I am. I couldn't meet those expectations... that was what I decided myself. I rejected it. Other girls could too, although I imagine it would be difficult in less open cultures so I'm fortunate there.