No one is attacking you. Pick and choose your battles. Making everything into a conflict is bad for your health. No one is being an X apologist. No one is implying or accusing or insulting you. Dialogue is not a bad thing. Hiding in bubbles causes shit like Trump getting elected because constant validation of your world view can't escape that vacuum. Put yourself in unfamiliar territory, learn to truly diversify. Truly listen to what others say and don't insult based on creed, color or lifestyle.

It's beyond me that any side of the political spectrum is saying the same fucking thing and yet no one seems able to overcome their barriers. 

This isn't to say you can't block assholes and idiots, but learningbwhats worth your mental energy goes a long way. 

This post will be misinterpreted but I don't care. I care about all of you, ignorance is insufferable. In my ideal world I'd be friends with YOU because YOU are great.